
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Answers to TMT pre test on ecology

1. a
2. skip
3. d
4. j
6. c
7. d
8. h
9. c migrating
10. h
11. g
12. h
13. d
14. h
15. f
16. a
17. b (food chain)
18. c (the sun)
19. a
20. d
21. c
22. b
23. b
24. b
25. a
26. a
27. d
28. a
29. d
30. b
31. b
32. a
33. Answers will vary but all webs should have multiple connections between organisms and producer, primary and secondary consumers, and decomposers.
34. The wolf should use no more energy running than is contained in the rabbit.
35. The US uses more fossil fuels, fewer people, more machines and better transportation and storage that other countries. We produce enough food to export and to feed to cattle. We eat more meat and milk products than other countries.
36. decomposer: an organism that breaks down organic matter into simpler compounds; important because they return nutrients back into an ecosystem
37. (actually they hibernate in the winter!) Hibernation during the winter is a strategy that bears use to balance energy intake with energy expenditure. During the summer, food is plentiful and bears store up energy as fat. During the winter, they lower their energy expenditure by hibernating (that is, sleeping). Thus, bears expend more energy to obtain food when they can obtain food most efficiently and they spend less energy to obtain food during the winter, when the amount of energy that would be expended to obtain food would be greater than the energy contained in that food.
38. The snow killed most of the insects. Sparrows consume insects, and since the insects were dead the sparrows also starved to death. Usually the sparrows would have migrated to a warmer place and would have avoided this situation.
39. First, determine the average weight of each individual cereal. 200 g of Cheerios/ 250 Cheerios. Repeat for each of the three other types. Graph on the X-axis the four types of cereals. Make sure that your label clearly identifies what is being measured on the X axis. The independent variable is located on the X axis. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable and is located on the Y axis. The reason that Mr. Ong weighted 250 Cheerios instead of just weighing 5 cheerios is that as the number in the sample increases, the probablitity that the sample contains outliers and poorly represents the entire population is destroyed.

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